Have an issue or question and not sure who to reach out to?
Is it a private question?
If it's specific to one of the groups? Then email the appropriate Group Leader:
Kaweah Group - Matthew Hengst matthew.hengst@gmail.com
Ritter Group - Jen Jones jones.jennylee@gmail.com
Otherwise email the Orange County Chair
Lubna Debbini lubna.debbini@gmail.com
Otherwise email the overall WTC Chair
Pamela Sivula pamela_hiking@yahoo.com
Is it a general question you want to go to the entire group staff?
Kaweah Group - wtc-kaweah-staff@googlegroups.com
Ritter Group - wtc-ritter-staff@googlegroups.com
Are you a staffer wanting to send something out to staff or students? (Please note both of these lists are moderated)
Orange County Staff - wtc-oc-staff@googlegroups.com
Orange County Students - wtc-oc-announcements-2023@googlegroups.com
Are you a staffer wanting to send something out to staff or students? (Please note both of these lists are moderated)
Orange County Staff - wtc-oc-staff@googlegroups.com
Orange County Students - wtc-oc-announcements-2023@googlegroups.com